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hey guys this is a pasta i made that i worked onn no critisim would be tolerated i worked hard and all thes reallyt happen one time i wass at a grunge sale  and this guy who looooked homless gave me this dvdinacd case it said bbt which ment  big bang theoryy sowhen igot home i put the dvd in the dvd player and the theme was normal but it had loww quality then okk i should lett u know i dont watch much of the show i only know sheldon and penny and and i dont know the others names anyway the wall had 666 all over it and then sheldon knocked on the dooor and said bazzinggga when he came in then the indian guy said go away in a evil satanic voice tthen sheldon disapered then the other guy came in and looked at teh indian guy straight in the i"s and next thing i knew he was bones and his insides were everywhere and no one knotised then everyone had red realistick eyes and tyhere heads exploded thenm i saw it the guy who gave me teh dvd his head was cutt off and his heart was torn appart then i heard it knock knock joel knockknock joel (joels my name) it was sheldon noo not the actor the legit sheldon i know then i opened the  door then i was knocked out then i was in hell and imet him satan he said he created the episode and then he said he created the show and other shows liuke sienfeld   or friends then after that i killed my self i writre this because i dont anyone 2 experined what i experiened